Double Harvest Ministry meeting the needs of the people of Zambia with clean water, basic supplies and the gospel of Christ
Thanks to the support of our donors and volunteers, we know we can accomplish much this second half of 2014.
Support Our Goals:
Last Year's Accomplishments
Thanks to the support of our donors and volunteers, 2013 was our best year yet. While we are aggressively working to achieve our 2014 goals, here is a look at what we accomplished in 2013.
- Drilled five new water wells. A single well can provide clean water for as many as 200 people in a village and the surrounding region. We worked through the complex government and cultural obstacles, overcame the logistics and now the water is flowing freely!
- Orphan Support. The tragic aspect of AIDS is the number of children left as orphans when their parents die of the disease. We supplied many with food, clothing and school supplies. While we do not know the exact number, we know these children now have a future.
- Pastoral Support. We rely on “feet on the ground” to distribute the supplies when we cannot be there. We depend on them to keep us informed of the needs. These amazing people require small amounts of money to sustain their efforts.
Get to know the Team
![]() Mitchel and Tamara Lucero Established the US based 501c-3 non profit organizationDouble Harvest Ministry. The focus is providing clean water, orphan care and the love of Christ to the rural villages of Zambia, in South Africa. from Tamara: My husband Mitchel and I have started 3 orphanages and put in 2 wells in the first 5 years. We currently raised enough funds to put in 2 more this summer!!! So 4 total and saving how many thousands of lives...what a privilege! Water is something we take for granted here and it is life giving to give them clean water!!!!! |
![]() Pastor Billy Mate
Pastor Billy Mate graduate of the Theological college of Central Africa is our biggest help in Zambia. He is the point man for our ministry in the country. He helps us with everything and anything we may need to do there and he himself is selfless in his unending help with rural pastors and communities he serves. His humbleness of heart is what stands out among men! Along with raising his family of 4 children he spends his time: Delivering clothing to remote villages and ministering to pastors. Developing land for farming providing jobs and produce to local families and the orphans this new self sustaining life through sales of the produce it yields will bless the local families . ...See more about his HARVEST, the support and ministry with rural pastors in his home village. Pastor Billy |
![]() Mrs Nawa
One of the orphanages is run by Mrs. Nawa who is undoubtedly the most unselfish person we have ever known! She daily goes into the insane asylums/ministers to women by bathing them, shampooing their hair etc. Many were pregnant prostitutes which Mrs. Nawa adopted their babies!! She goes to the Leper colonies/albino colonies and prisons to minister to the outcast and forgotten! She is truly amazing! She currently has about 21 orphans living with her. We send clothing/necessities for them and the orphans on the summer trips to Zambia, and send Christmas gifts every year. It is truly a blessing to see their eyes sparkle as they NEVER have had anything new!! |
In Matthew 17:20, Jesus said, “For truly I say unto you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain remove hence to yonder place; and it shall be moved; and nothing shall be impossible to you.”