Because of your generous donations Mr. Samende's birthday wish - fresh clean water in the village - came true!
“We make a life of what we give away to the underprivileged and orphan.”
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” “To whom much is given, much will be required.” “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. “ ![]() The Jesus film will be shown for the 4th year but this year we are expecting 1000 people from the regions where Double Harvest Inc put in 14 clean water wells. We intending on serving a meal. We buy a cow and cook sheema corn maze staple and rice....but sadly that may only feed a small portion of people. I can’t imagine being there and when it comes your turn to get a plate of food and there’s no more. If you feel led help us get more food by donating Take a look at the Jesus Film clip *picture courtesy of Jesus Film ![]() Natasha is 3 months old... when she was 3 weeks old her mother was throwing Natasha up against a wall to get her to stop crying... she was so injured that the neighbors rushed her to intensive care for several days. The social workers called Mrs Nawa and she will now raise Little Natasha... just one story from Zambia visit a couple of weeks ago. Your support to Double Harvest Inc. provides shelter and care to innocent children. "4 things we cannot recover in life: words after they're said. moments after they're missed. actions after they're done. time after it's gone."
"the older you get, the more you realize that it isn't about material things, or pride or ego. it's about our hearts and who they beat for."